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Tee XiaoXi(Credit to Franz Tee).jpg
photo © Franz Tee

Tee XiaoXi


Tee XiaoXi is a Malaysian composer whose works have been performed extensively in Asia and Europe. She received her Master of Music in Composition from The University of Music Lübeck in Germany, where she studied with Dieter Mack and was supported by a Förderergesellschaft stipend. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in music composition with Wen Deqing at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music on a full China Scholarship Council scholarship.


In previous years, her works were selected (some commissioned), and performed in ZKM Next Generation 8.0 Electronic Music Festival in 2019 (Germany), Connecting the Northern Dots Electronic Music Festival 2019 (Germany), Darmstadt International Summer Course 2018 in Germany (with full sponsorship from Goethe Institut Malaysia) , “Risuonanze 2017 - incontri di nuove musiche” Festival (Italy), Damansara Performing Arts Centre Arts Festival and Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival 2016 (Malaysia), Asian Composers League Festival in 2015 (Philippines), SoundBridge Contemporary Music Festival Malaysia (from 2015 to 2021), 7th Shanghai Conservatory of Music New Music Festival (China), and Yogyakarta Contemporary Music Festival (Indonesia) in 2014. 


Her music has been performed by a number of prestigious ensembles and artists, including Ensemble Mosaik (conducted by Enno Poppe), Ensemble Scenatet (conducted by Rei Munakata), renowned Malaysian dancers Datuk Ramli Ibrahim and Wong Jyh Shyong, Sirius Quartet, and Beat Percussion Group, among others.


Zihua Tan


Zihua Tan is a composer whose works have been performed in Asia, Europe, and North America, at events such as Montréal/Nouvelles Musiques Festival (CA), Voix nouvelles de Royaumont (FR), Ferienkurse für Neue Musik Darmstadt and Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik (DE), and the Tongyeong International Music Festival (KR). Some of the musicians he has worked with include Ensemble Mosaik, Noam Bierstone, Enno Poppe, Ensemble Wapiti, Ensemble Recherche, Ensemble Phorminx, the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Ensemble Schallfeld, and the McGill Symphony Orchestra. 


Tan has won a number of awards, among which are the Toru Takemitsu Composition Award (JP), the Goethe Award at TIMF (KR), and the first prize at the Accès Arkea Composition Competition (CA). In 2019, his piano work was featured at the Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition (AT). 


From 2018-19, Tan was the Styria’s Artist-in-Residence in Graz, where he presented a performative installation and an installative performance in a portrait concert with the support from Kultur Steiermark, Afro-Asiatisches Institut, and Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec. From 2016-17, he was a lecturer at the Schulich School of Music, McGill University. 

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HueyChing Chong


HueyChing CHONG (1986*) began her composition studies in August 2008 with Yii Kah Hoe. From 2010 to 2017, with the support of the Monbukagakusho Scholarship Award, she continued her musical exploration under the tutelage of Prof. Keiko Harada. Besides that, she has also studied with Prof. Akira Nishimura, and Prof. Michio Kitazume. In 2017, she obtained her Doctor of Musical Arts (Composition) from Tokyo College of Music. Since 2020, she is under the tutelage of Alberto Posadas. 


Her music has been performed in many countries including Spain, Germany, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Netherland, Switzerland, and Lithuania. She has participated in multiple international masterclasses, including the International Ensemble Modern Academy (IEMA) 2016/17, Composers+ Summer Academy 2017, Atlas Lab 2016, DAAD International Exchange Creative Exposition, HfM Würzburg X Tokyo College of Music 2015, and many more. 


She has also collaborated with extraordinary musicians internationally including Iñaki Alberdi (Accordion), Ricardo Descalzo (Piano), Elena Casoli (Guitar), Wu Wei (Chinese Sheng), Naoko Kikuchi (Japanese Koto), Atsushi Sugawara (Percussion), Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra (Taiwan), Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, Arcis Saxophon Quartett (Germany) and Duo Jeux d’Anches (Accordion Duo). 


In 2014, her composition RAW for 13 instrumentalists was awarded the 12th President Award of Tokyo College of Music. In 2017, introspection-intro for solo accordion was awarded the best solo composition at Composers+ Summer Academy. In 2018, she experimented with improvisation performances with Istanbul-based multidisciplinary group, and Malaysian improvisors including Yong Yandsen (Saxophonist). 


In her works, energy is formed prior to sonority. She explores the mystical point where physical and mental control during music performance cease to be. Her solo piece for accordion (Introspection) was precisely described by musicologist, Stefano Russomanno, as “La exploración de los límites del acordeón, donde el control del instrumento se hace menos firme, produce una intensidad cuya base se asienta, paradójicamente, en la inestabilidad, en la vulnerabilidad (Russomanno , S. Aula de (Re)estrenos 103: Compositores Sub-35 (VI). Madrid: Fundación Juan March, 2018)”.


  • translation: “The exploration of the limits of the accordion, where the control of the instrument becomes less firm, produces an intensity whose base is based, paradoxically, on instability, on vulnerability”

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